Coverage Summary

A race horse trainer’s commercial liability policy provides the necessary liability protection for ventures actively involved in training and racing activities. Policy limits are available up to $1,000,000 per occurrence and an annual aggregate of up to $3,000,000. This coverage is important if you are engaged in commercial equestrian activities such as racing, training, boarding, breeding or buying and selling race horses.

When a person is injured or property damaged as a result of your racing operation, the policy will settle claims for which you are legally liable. Additionally, it will provide for your defense in lawsuits – whether the lawsuit has merit or is groundless. In most cases the policy will also pay all court costs and judgments. The race horse trainers commercial liability policy may be endorsed to include coverage for personally owned horses, personally owned race horses and products / completed operations. Legal liability for non-owned (boarded) horses in your care is excluded from the commercial equine liability policy. This coverage is available in the form of either a care, custody or control enhancement to your Commercial Equine Liability policy.

  • Individuals, Partnerships, Corporations, LLC’s & LLP’s
  • Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Arabian & Quarter Horse Operations
  • Training
  • Horse Sales / Sales Prep
  • Breeding
  • Optional Coverages
  • Equine Personal Liability
  • Race Horse Owners Personal Liability
  • Products / Completed Operations
  • Care, Custody or Control Liability
Optional Coverages
Limits Offered
  • $1,000,000 / $2,000,000 – Occurrence / Aggregate
  • $1,000,000 / $3,000,000 – Occurrence / Aggregate
  • $50,000 Damage to Premises Rented to You and $5,000 Medical Payments are included.

NOTE:  Higher limits of coverage are available through an Excess Liability policy.

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Coverage descriptions are for general information only. Please refer to actual policy wordings for a full explanation of coverages.